Senior Important Dates Class of 2019

April 16th 9:30 am - Laude Recognition Formal Photos

May 3 -Pay all fees, return all books, clean out locker

May 6- Awards Day Time to be decided

May 7 -Senior Independent Study Day/Last Day

May 8- Senior Semester Exams 1, 2, 3 (8:00-12:25)

May 9 - Senior Semester Exams 4, 5 (8:00-10:35)

May 10 - Senior Drive 8:00-8:15 / Dollywood Trip 8:30

May 15 -Baccalaureate 7pm - Seniors be there at 6:30pm

May 16 - Class Night/Indoor Graduation Practice 9am - 12

May 16 - Class Night 7pm Seniors be here at 6:16pm

May 17 - Outdoor Graduation Practice 9:30am

May 17- Graduation 7pm. Seniors line up at T 6:15pm
